Sunday, 15 March 2015

“A conspiracy theory; End of colonialism and the       division of India.”

World News, Sunday 16th of March, 2015;
India, the country stretching from Quetta in the west to Chittagong in the east and from Gilgit in the north to Cochin in the South, has threatened USA and its Western allies of economic sanctions if it didn’t stopped illegal intervention in the internal affairs of the middle eastern countries.

The Indian prime minister, Summit Patel, had directed the chief of army staff, General Muhammad Suleman, to move the Indian army battalions to Sinkiang province of China, its regional and global ally, which borders USSR as per the provisions of joint defense pact signed between India and China in 1950.”
Times India, Sunday 16th of March, 2015;
The chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Zia Ullah of the congress party, in an unexpected stopover at the Delhi airport, met his counterpart of Delhi province. Although PS to CM KP denied the information but our sources have reported that an understanding has been reached between the two leaders regarding the upcoming general elections.
The secretary for tourism ministry has issued a public notice which explains the reason behind the problem tourists are facing in the Kashmir valley. It has been stated that, as the world leader’s conference is underway in Srinagar and Muzzafarabad so the normal routine stood disturbed.”
Such would have been the course of affairs if the lust of west for world domination have come to an end, and the policy of divide and rule was understood by Indians, with the end of colonialism after the World War 2. But, unfortunately, they were and they are more intelligent as compare to us (who eat and drinks emotions). They are always having ten contingency plans for emotional fools like us and mostly we get trapped, if not in the first one then, in the second such plan!
The historical phenomenon of colonization is one that stretches around the globe and across time, including such disparate peoples as the Hittites, the Incas and the British. Modern state global colonialism, or imperialism, began in the 15th century with the "Age of Discovery", led by Portuguese and Spanish exploration of the Americas, and the coasts of Africa, the Middle East, India, and East Asia. It was the policy of self-proclaimed superior civilizations about dominating and conquering other, presumed, inferior civilizations by making them their slaves and exploiting their natural resources for their own benefits.
Today, they speak of peace and humanity but are busy in arm race. There is a theory that World War 3 will be fought for the sake of DRINKING WATER (sweet water)! Which total reserves are three percent of the world water; out of which seventy five percent is in the form of glaciers.
Looking at the World map one can say, without any hesitation, that the region which comprises of Pakistan and India is the economic and strategic center of world, And got everything which is required by a state to become a World power. If not as a single united state, this region got the potential to dominate the world.

Two questions needs to be sought out
1. What did actually the famous Two Nations Theory envisioned, and what is the outcome?
2. What India and Pakistan should do now?

“What did actually the famous Two Nations Theory envisioned, and what is the outcome”

For a period of almost thousand years, sub-continent was ruled by different rulers, who were Muslim by faith but there subjects were mostly Hindus. Each ruler ruled according to his own way but none is known for his aggressive attitude towards any of his subjects, whether they were Muslim or Hindus. (There are few exceptional realities to this conviction of mine but with ambiguities).
The race for making colonies and looting their assets introduced sub-continent to the East India Company which was not less than a nightmare. As it’s a matter of fact now that EIC came to India, not with intention of doing business but, for making it a colony of the British Empire(So what got the Great Britain to say about their this fraud?) for which they indulged themselves in various conspiracies against the Mughals with the complicities of both Muslims and Hindus (traitors?). After a lot of hard work, finally, in the year 1857 the last Mughal was dethroned and, in the year 1958, British took formally India into its control through Queen Proclamation.
For getting firm grip on the natives they, the British masters, divided them on religious grounds(divisions and sub divisions is like a fuel for politics, if there are no as such divisions the politicians creates them). They played both Muslim and Hindus just for the sake of increasing hate in their hearts for each other.
Till 1933 there was no demand for a separate state for Muslims of India from the Muslim league or any other faction which proclaimed to be the soul representatives of Muslims of India. There in Germany Adolf Hitler becomes the ruler, in London Chuadary Rehmat Ali coins the name “PAKISTAN” and Jinnah returns to Muslim League! Till this time ML raised their voice for constitutional rights of Muslims representation. In 1939 World War 2 started which was about to destroy France in first place then all other democracies with the help of Russia. It was something obvious that the time have reached when task of making and maintaining, DIRECT, colonies would be an impossible job. But how could have they (USA and Allies) lose their grip on the world affairs so easily for which they have always dreamed of from the time of crusades (11th t0 13th century). In 1940 the Lahore resolution was adopted in which a formal demand for the creation of Pakistan was placed, which was thought to be the only solution of the Hindu Muslim dogma!

“Two Nation Theory”
“Muslim and Hindus aren’t only two different people with different religions but Islam and Hinduism, two different systems, laid for them the basis of a nation. So they can’t live with peace in one country that’s why a separate state shall be created for the Muslims of India which should comprise of all those territories where Muslims are in majority.  In such a state they will be having all political rights and religious freedom.”
Two nation theory aimed at acquiring political rights for the people residing in the territory which is known as Pakistan, today, who they were Muslims! It never aimed for the establishment of an Islamic theocratic state OR a Fort of Islam! Today whatever problems Pakistan is facing are just because of this disbelief that Pakistan was created for Islam and this is the reason that Pakistan today is nothing more than a satellite state.

And with all the struggle and hard work of Muslim League and Hindu Maha Saba type factions the Lahore resolution was realized in the year 1947. And guess what? The second ideological state Israel got birth the very next year, 1948. Both India and Pakistan were blessed with Kashmir dispute (UN resolution # 47 in the cold storage of secretariat). Now being a Muslim and impartial observer it’s my conviction that the current political game which is played under the banner of terrorism and global peace, which is only destroying the Muslim countries and have not affected the non-believers; Russia, USA,UK,Germany,France,China,Japan, India and others. So are they really Muslims? Islamist terrorists? Or just the oil and other resources are being taken away? Think a bit and stop believing in the controlled media! If there was no Kashmir and Israel-Palestine dispute, this war against terror would have been a dream ONLY! Aren’t they smart players of the game? Or we are Idiots? Of course both are realities.
What kind of rights the Muslim league was talking about? Why didn’t such a visionary political party survived after the creation of Pakistan? Where that justice is which wasn’t possible in undivided India? Why there are only Pathans, Baloch’s, Sindis, Punjubis, hazaras , Shias , Sunnis etc instead of Muslim and a Pakistani nation? How the economy got monopolized by twenty two families? And last but not the least, how the seed of separation got flourished in the Eastern wing (Bangladesh), How a state which creation was the result of a political struggle went into the hands of ARMY soon after its independence? Many such questions can be raised which challenges the credibility of the two nation theory and its champions.

What India and Pakistan should do now?

Talking about parity between India and Pakistan doesn’t appeals to my rational mind, and even, thinking of winding up the 1947 tragedy will be an absurd and unrealistic idea.
If India want to achieve its global goals which it deserves, because of its size and potential, and Pakistan want to turn from a police and satellite state to a welfare and independent state then both countries should resolve all outstanding issues like Kashmir and Sir creek at once, through a Bilateral dialogue without involving any third country. Keeping in mind the kind of relationship which exists between India and Pakistan, China and Pakistan, and China and India one can say that till this situation prevails all three of them, will be the ultimate losers and the dream of Asian century will realize someday but in the shape of a nuclear war! Both countries should put an end to the proxy wars which they are conducting in each other’s territory. Western countries always seek for warm relations with their instant neighbor’s and we look toward the visits of their Premier to our homeland which will for sure offend our neighbors (enemies!!)? Kashmir should be declared as semi-autonomous region under the joint control of India and Pakistan, which would be a diplomatic blow on the face of all conspirators. And the hardliners on both sides of the border shall be treated with an iron hand.
Last but not the least, neither China can be sidelined nor can India become the regional power even if there is peace between India and Pakistan. So instead of single country supremacy in the region the supremacy of the region over the west should be our aim by forming Asian Union (By keeping in mind the race for supremacy between European countries and its result which was addressed, wisely, by forming European Union.)

Instead of becoming part of the game why shouldn’t we take control of the game from them?

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