Wednesday, 11 March 2015

“Same Actors,Same Ambitions But With A Different          Script For Same Fools”
No matter what’s the situation but be yourself, so that one may write about yourself (SLS)
A few days ago an event was organized in ISLAMIA COLLEGE PESHAWAR, was it just an event or some kind of launching ceremony! Only God and the organizers can answer. AGHAZ-E-JUNOON!!! The moment a child is born his very first cry symbolizes an AGHAZ and the JUNOON develops with the decrease in number of his days in this world.
Well, the event was titled as “AGHAZ-E-JUNOON” and took place in the Rose Ceppal hall, ICP. Inside the room, where this Aghaaz got birth, many other names were noticeable and the most glaring was PKYO. PKYWO (Pak Khyber Youth Welfare Organization) isn’t PKYO in its literal sense but is an event organizing COMPANY, “dream of dollar, for sure some rupee will arrive”!!! Why the owners of PKYWO don’t name it EOC (Event organizing Company), which actually sounds real……
The event lasted for three consecutive days and the visible theme was to promote leadership qualities, educating on first aid and to make one realize his worth, which unfortunately his education and family couldn’t succeed in!! And believe me, the tea and lunch which was served was awesome, and was the best part of it. Will someone ,please, answer my simple question that by telling a crow that you are an eagle (Shaheen) then the crow becomes a SHAHEEN????                                                                      Many speakers lectured on this point, but I unfortunately couldn’t get my answer, can someone amongst the readers answer? By the way most of the leaders manufacturers claimed to have attended such events throughout Pakistan and some foreign countries, as well. One may agree to their this claim but where is the product they have manufactured, so far? IN STORES?
On the second day an extremely interesting and reflective discussion took place. The topic was “Identity and Culture” ,it took an ugly turn when one of the  organizer- cum –participant shared  her bad experience of Pakistan in USA !! According to her “most of the people in USA doesn’t know about Pakistan, whether it’s an island or a Bermuda triangle? And, secondly, at times my friends? Would ask me if I was having a gun or AK-47 with me? “                                                                                                                      I could just wonder that how such a person got a scholarship to USA and was representing Pakistan as she even doesn’t know that Pakistan is the seventh nuclear state, second ideological country and ally of USA, since its creation, in the cold war till date. And it’s ARA (American Rifle Association) which is the biggest supplier of arms and American economy, mainly, depends upon WAR!!!!! When she narrated her sad experience one of a male participant, a good looking guy wearing shirt and jeans, snubbed her by asking her that why she visited such a country where there is no respect of Pakistan and her people. And guess what? Soon he was also snubbed   by a religious-cum- patriotic participant. He accused him of denying Islamic culture for western, by wearing shirt and jeans!!! I desperately wanted to ask my that friend that which culture he was actually advocating? The one, which denies even the basic human rights to female? Honor killing, keeping them as their slaves and so on... I think he was referring to pakhtun and other regional cultures in Pakistan, because Islam is based on humanity and is one of the most absorbing religion. Obviously we need not to get inspired of others but should have enough guts that we accept the right, good and realistic way of life! Anyhow, this gave a chance to the very knowledgeable NRA(Non Resident American) girl to continue her story that how after she had left the family, with which she resided for one year, converted from Christianity to Islam, really??
In Pakistan, unfortunately but, Islam is used and exploited by ,almost, every faction of society and government for their own self-seeking  aims and desires, whether they are the politicians , judges , social workers ,establishment , university administration, TEACHERS and ACTORS and so was the course of participants of AGHAZ-E-JUNOON.
A politician in Pakistan is thought to be justified when he lie and make false and impracticable promises ,just for curving public opinion in his favor but what will become of such a state where the students (the only hope ) OPTs for such practices? Will ever the MOB residing in Pakistan become a nation, if such are the ME!!!!plans?
Well, now I would like to wind up, and hope that this AGHAAZ will at least attempt to change ICP, by instigating the students of ICP for obtaining their rights and respect which they are entitled to. NELSON MANDELA (MADIBA) once said that “A PURSUIT TO CHEAP POPULARITY CAN NEVER TURN INTO A REVOLUTION”


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